Continuing Education

Chinese Medicine and its Shamanic roots

30.10. - 01.11.2026

Chinese Medicine and its Shamanic roots
The root of all medicine can be traced to shamanism. Through utilizing and explaining the shamanic tools, participants will be able to add other repertoires to their healing modalities and deepen the understanding of the shamanic roots within the practice of Chinese acupuncture and herbs.

Advanced Clinical Applications of the Channel Systems of Chinese Acupuncture
This seminar will investigate the advances that can be further nurtured and developed for clinical applications by practitioners today from one of the early clinician who was responsible for reintroducing and promoting the importance of the channel systems back into contemporary acupuncture in the West.

Both courses take place in Kirchgemeindehaus Liebestrasse, Liebestrasse 3, 8400 Winterthur, Switzerland AND are broadcasted live from the classroom so that you can participate online too.

ab CHF 260

  • *Sind Sie Alumni oder Student? / Are you graduate or student?
  • *Ich buche / I book

    *Meine Teilnahme / My participation

  • Date

    30.10. - 01.11.2026

  • Day & Time

    Friday / Saturday / Sunday 9:00 - 17:00

  • Hours

    21 hours

  • Type of education
    • Präsenz-Unterricht
    • Online-Unterricht
  • Teacher
    • Jeffrey Yuen
  • Language


  • Number of participants


  • Recognition TCM Fachverband

    Label No. 26003

About this course

Friday, October 30, 2026

Chinese Medicine and ist Shamanic roots

The root of all medicine can be traced to shamanism, the process by which an initiate or cultivator gains access to different realms of consciousness – with revelations that are carried forth from such realms into the process of healing. Recognizing the potential inherent in every healer to draw upon such realms, the focus of this seminar is to introduce and explore with the participants facets of the shamanic journey and its influence on the evolution of early Chinese medicine. Through utilizing and explaining the shamanic tools, participants will be able to add other repertoires to their healing modalities. More importantly, it is the intention of this seminar to deepen the understanding of the shamanic roots within the practice of Chinese acupuncture and herbs.

Saturday-Sunday, October 31-November 1, 2026

Advanced Clinical Applications of the Channel Systems of Chinese Acupuncture

With the resurgence of gaining a more complete training in the channel systems of acupuncture, students and clinicians alike have developed a deeper understanding of the different energetic layers of the body-mind-spirit continuum and the association of the channel systems to different anatomical regions, humoral attributes, disease mechanisms, and even constitutional/genetic engineering. While competency of each of these channels requires commitment and practice, it is important to consider that the channel systems are also reflective of individual cultivation and as such, one’s evolution as a practitioner. This seminar will investigate the advances that can be further nurtured and developed for clinical applications by practitioners today from one of the early clinician who was responsible for reintroducing and promoting the importance of the channel systems back into contemporary acupuncture in the West.

Jeffrey C. Yuen

Jeffrey C. Yuen


Jeffrey C. Yuen is one of the most sought-after teachers of Chinese medicine throughout the world. He is an 88th generation Daoist priest from the Jade Purity School, Lao Tzu sect, and a 26th generation priest of the Complete Reality School, Dragon Gate sect.

He apprenticed for more than 20 years in Classical Chinese Medicine and other Daoist healing arts with Master Yu Wen, who transmitted his lineage to Master Yuen before Master Yu Wen’s death at the age of 108. He also studied under the direct tutelage of Lu Xin-Zu, a Daoist priest of the Long Men tradition.

«Der Dozent beeindruckt durch eine unglaubliche Tiefe an Wissen. Jeffrey’s Unterricht ist eine Schatzkiste!»

«I am fascinated by the depth of Jeffrey’s lectures!»