Continuing Education

Management of Inherited Trauma with Acupuncture: Impact of Trauma on Belief systems

09.05. - 10.05.2026

Constitutions and Temperaments have a major influence on “belief” mechanisms and further influence the physiology as well as the pathology of a person. This understanding provides a key for freeing oneself from the habitual mind-sets and behaviours. Choosing acupuncture strategies and points adapted to the temperament, constitutes the art of treating a person rather than a disease.


CHF 365

  • *Sind Sie Alumni oder Student? / Are you graduate or student?
  • Date

    09.05. - 10.05.2026

  • Day & Time

    Saturday / Sunday 09:00 - 14:00

  • Hours

    10 hours

  • Type of education
    • Online-Unterricht
  • Teacher
    • Dr. Hamid Montakab
  • Language


  • Number of participants


  • Recognition TCM Fachverband

    Label No. follows

About this course

Severe distressing events and life challenges (physical or psychological) are perceived as traumatic. But trauma may also be transmitted by the parents or the ancestors. Chinese medicine refers to this as Zong Qi ≈ Ancestral energy, one of the constituent energies at the time of conception. 

The basic “Constitution” is transmitted by the parental essences (Jing), whereas the „Temperament“ or the psycho-emotional expression of a person depends partly on the transferred family inheritance and partly on post-natal conditioning.

Constitutions and Temperaments have a major influence on “belief” mechanisms and further influence the physiology as well as the pathology of a person. This understanding provides a key for freeing oneself from the habitual mind-sets and behaviours.

Choosing acupuncture strategies and points adapted to the temperament, constitutes the art of treating a person rather than a disease.


  • Notion of trauma and trauma coping factors (Kidney Jing & Zhi)
  • Processing trauma and the five sections of the psyche (Shen-Yi-Zhi-Po-Hun)
  • Concept of “Gui” ≈ ghost (physical and behavioural “Gui”)
  • Zong (Ancestral) energy; relation to modern “epigenetics”
  • Constitution and Morphology: five archetypes; six „Temperaments“; psycho-emotional profiles and belief patterns; specific “behaviours”
  • Blocked temperaments: psychology and pathology
  • Inherited memories (physical and behavioural patterns) 
  • Acupuncture for releasing Ancestral patterns and traumas
  • Acupuncture strategies for “Healing the past”
  • Extraordinary vessels for changing beliefs
  • Classical indications of Acupuncture points
  • Case studies
Dr. Hamid Montakab

Dr. Hamid Montakab

Founder of Chiway

Hamid David Montakab M.D. graduated from Medical School of Paris, did his residency in surgery and completed a 3-year education in acupuncture. Later spending 4 months in clinical training in China, followed by 2 years in exploring the local healing in the Philippines and India. He practiced for 5 years in America after obtaining the NCCA certification and a degree in Chinese Herbalism.

In 1986 he founded Chiway Academy in Switzerland. Dr. Montakab was commissioned by the Swiss National Fond to conduct a scientific research study on Acupuncture and Insomnia. In 1995 he was the co-founder and president of the Swiss Professional Organization for TCM (SBO-TCM).

«Es ist einfach wundervoll Hamid zuzuhören und von diesem riesigen Wissen lernen zu dürfen.»

«Hamids grosses Wissen und seine klare und detaillierte Präsentation haben den Kurs besonders spannend gemacht. Der Kurs hat einen guten Praxisbezug. Das inkludierte Buch dazu unterstützt beim Lernen ideal. »