Yoshio Manaka was a poet, artist, scholar, physician and healer. He lived for and was inspired by ideas and invention. At the pinnacle of his life he reached a level of healing skill that made him renowned in Japan and overseas.
Japanese acupuncture is different to Chinese acupuncture in many ways. Based on the idea of “maximum benefit with minimum intervention” it uses very light needling and moxibustion techniques as well as a variety of polarity devices to enhance channel flow. This makes it very comfortable for patients to receive.
This three-day workshop will give you a working knowledge of Dr Manaka’s comprehensive system of diagnosis and treatment: a structured approach to address the root, the branch and the overall structure of the body. The course will focus on Dr. Manaka’s insights into the channel system and the dynamic interactions between channels, points, the abdomen and other reflex areas.
Dr. Manaka’s system is not mysterious. It is based on tests and observations you can repeat and confirm for yourself. Palpation, especially abdominal palpation is all-important to check and recheck the effectiveness of each technique.
This is a practical workshop, with an emphasis on practice. By the end of the three days you will be able to treat patients with all four steps of Manaka’s system. This introduction to Manaka’s approach is a gateway to a deeper understanding of acupuncture, palpation and moxibustion and will bring you to new levels of clinical effectiveness and confidence.