Continuing Education

Orthopedic Acupuncture: Joint and Ligament Needling

25.04. - 26.04.2026

This foundational class provides essential knowledge and skills to treat a wide range of orthopedic injuries and disabilities by needling joints and ligaments. 

Learn to integrate contemporary orthopedic physical exam with classically-based acupuncture to address root causes of musculoskeletal pain and disability.

CHF 495

  • *Sind Sie Alumni oder Student? / Are you graduate or student?
  • Date

    25.04. - 26.04.2026

  • Day & Time

    Saturday / Sunday 09:00 - 17:00

  • Hours

    14 hours

  • Type of education
    • Präsenz-Unterricht
  • Teacher
    • Anthony Von der Muhll
  • Language


  • Number of participants


  • Recognition TCM Fachverband

    Label No. follows

About this course

This foundational class provides essential knowledge and skills to treat a wide range of orthopedic injuries and disabilities by needling joints and ligaments. Joint dysfunctions and ligament laxity are common but sometimes hidden causes of chronic pain and disability.

Learn to integrate contemporary orthopedic physical exam with classically-based acupuncture (including shu-point, „short,“ „triple,“ „quintuple,“ joint and bone-pecking needling) to address root causes of musculoskeletal pain and disability, including:

  • Yin and Yang of joint anatomy, kinesiology, and the adverse effects of joint injuries on muscles, tendons, and the nervous system
  • History-taking and physical exam techniques to identify joint mobility/stability dysfunctions, including:
    • Specialized inspection and palpation techniques for joints and ligaments
    • Joint active and passive range-of-motion and end-feel examinations
  • Mechanisms and therapeutic effects of orthopedic acupuncture for joints
  • Hands-on practice of needling safety and techniques for hyper- and hypomobile joints, including;
    • Shoulder, arm and hand: acromio- and sterno- clavicular, glenhumeral, ulnar- and radio- carpal; radio-ulnar; thumb CMC, MCP joints
    • Lower leg: knee ACL, MCL, LCL, meniscii, superior tib-fib; ankle anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular joints
    • Spine: cervical and lumbar facets; supraspinous, interspinous, iliolumbar, sacroiliac, and sacrotuberous ligaments
  • Hands-on practice of post-treatment joint re-assessment for immediate assessment of outcomes
Anthony Von der Muhll

Anthony Von der Muhll

Founder of Chiway

Anthony Von der Muhll is a highly experienced clinician and an enthusiastic and skilled instructor in acupuncture orthopedics and sports medicine who enjoys providing long-term mentorship and support for acupuncturists to achieve clinical mastery and their professional goals. His teaching offers a unique integration of contemporary joint and myofascial needling techniques with classical treatment of the jing-jin ("sinew meridians" or myofascial tracts).

Anthony Von der Muhll is the founder of AOM Professional, and has taught Certification in Acupuncture Orthopedics in the USA since 2015, and served as a clinical supervisor at the Masters level since 2005 and as continuing education and Doctoral level since 2015. He has also taught acupuncture orthopedics and pain management in doctorate programs of the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences (Oakland CA), the American College of TCM (San Francisco, CA), the Five Branches University of TCM (Santa Cruz, CA), and the Virginia University of Integrative Medicine (Vienna, VA). He has been a featured instructor in acupuncture orthopedics at conferences of the Sports Acupuncture Alliance, the PSOAS and FLOW Symposiums, at State acupuncture associations of California, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Washington, and Canada, the UK, and Switzerland.

Anthony Von der Muhll started his journey to acupuncture orthopedics as an injured soccer player who found relief from taiji/qigong, massage, and acupuncture. He worked as a massage therapist, physical therapy and athletic training assistant until he graduated from the Five Branches University of TCM in 2002 and founded the Santa Cruz Acupuncture Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Clinic in 2003. In 2022, Anthony relocated to Charlottesville, Virginia, where he now practices at the Sports Acupuncture Clinic/Bamboo Clinic with his wife, Tamara Brown, L.Ac., DACM.