Continuing Education

Pulse Diagnosis: The Mai Jing A-B-C Method

06.09. - 07.09.2025

This method of pulse diagnosis is easy to learn, clarifies underlying theory and shows hard to diagnose aspects such as the 5 Element constitution and 8 Extraordinary Vessels imbalances.

Price including book!

CHF 495

  • *Sind Sie Alumni oder Student? / Are you graduate or student?
  • Date

    06.09. - 07.09.2025

  • Day & Time

    Saturday / Sunday 9:00 - 17:00

  • Hours

    14 hours

  • Type of education
    • Präsenz-Unterricht
  • Teacher
    • Jamie Hamilton
  • Language


  • Number of participants

    max. 18

  • Recognition TCM Fachverband

    Label No. 25013

About this course

This method of pulse diagnosis is easy to learn, clarifies underlying theory and shows hard to diagnose aspects such as the 5 Element constitution and 8 Extraordinary vessel imbalances.

The Mai Jing A-B-C pulse diagnosis technique is presented in detail. It gives a clear picture of the 8 Extraordinary Vessels and importantly gives an accurate reading of the elemental imbalance (CF in 5 Element practice). This latter aspect is quite a revolution for 5 element practice as the reading very much complements and corroborates findings of CSOE (colour, sound, odour, emotion). With a unique notation method and a clarification of the position and character of the pulse, we can re-discover the dynamic qualities of the pulse qualities that we already know.

With an enhanced method of pulse diagnosis that we are confident in, we can in turn better understand the meaning of certain important topics in Chinese Medicine theory; this makes for a significant difference to clinical results and enjoyment of practice.


The method derives from a careful assessment of the pulse methods found in the classic of the pulse, the Mai Jing (circa 200 – 300 CE) It uses methods found in that classic that are easy to use and easy to learn, and can make a significant improvement to clinical practice.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Gaining the skills of the method of clearly palpating the radial artery, with the patient on a couch and the wrist in a vertical position.
  2. Understanding the three broad steps of A, B and C.
  3. Step A: Understanding the importance of the assessment of the overall quality the so called “big picture” to diagnose the 8 principles, and gaining confidence in doing this diagnosis with all three fingers moving and palpating as one. [This method may already be the way some practitioners do their pulse diagnosis, but in my experience most practitioners focus more on the assessment of individual pulse positions, so this step is more of a simplification and clarification of existing knowledge that usually has quite a impressive effect for learners]
  4. Step B: Gaining skills in the method of diagnosis of the 8 Extraordinary Vessels from the pulse including the understanding and technique of palpating the sides of the artery.
  5. Step C: Gaining skills in the method of the 5 level pulse diagnosis which uncovers which element is unbalanced in the person’s system, and understanding the relevance of that information in relation to the patient’s emotional life and their overall physiology.
  6. (If time allows) understanding the relevance and gaining the skills in some of the other “Advanced techniques” presented in the Essential Pulse Diagnosis book to enhance the above framework.
  7. Understanding how the pulse reading responds to treatment and the relevance of that to the patient’s condition.
  8. Understanding how to integrate these new methods into our existing understanding and skill set.
  9. Understanding how to see ourselves as researchers into the pulse ourselves, using the classical sources of the Mai Jing on one side, and the needs and condition of the patients on the other.

Teaching method:

This course has a good proportion of hands on practical activity. It includes looking at case histories and if possible can include a live case study and treatment.

This course is designed for:

Acupuncture practitioners and advanced students. The course is particularly suitable for new practitioners and for those who have lost (or never gained) confidence in pulse taking.


The pulse method taught in this course does not relate to the Shen-Hammer system.


Jamie Hamilton, Lic Ac.

Jamie Hamilton, Lic Ac.


Jamie Hamilton is practitioner of acupuncture, shiatsu and Chinese herbalism working in Surrey, England. He is a graduate of the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in acupuncture, the European Shiatsu School and the Jing Fang Apprenticeship in Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine. He is the Co-Principal of East West College, a Chinese Medicine CPD (Continuing Professional Development) college in England.

He has a special interest in the Applied Channel Theory of Dr. Wang Ju-Yi and classical pulse diagnosis methods. He is the author of “Essential Pulse Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine: Mai Jing A-B-C Method”. He also has a long term interest in the cultural background of Chinese medicine, including Chinese language and it’s Buddhist and Daoist roots.

«Very agreeable personality of the lecturer. Was authentically interested in also „learning“ from us/our experiences and observations. The demonstration on a „patient“ with a problem to be treated was very helpful.»

«Kurs wurden interessante Beispiele aus der Praxis besprochen. Ich konnte die erlernte Technik direkt in meiner Praxis anwenden.»

«Der Kurs war sehr praxisorientiert. Der Dozent hat spürbar viel praktische Erfahrung.»

«Jamie Hamilton hat eine wunderbare Art zu Unterrichten. Er geht auf die Teilnehmer und deren Fragen sehr seriös ein. Man spürt seine Passion zum Thema.»